North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio
Do you feel it yet? With the shift of the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio on January 18, 2022, the most immediate impact has been felt in the financial field—our Earned Income and in the Stockmarket. It doesn’t help that we are currently in a Mercury Retrograde transit right now, but that will be shorter lived, ending in early February. Adding to this volatility is also Uranus in Taurus, making the material world around us feel very unstable.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
As the nodal axis is about to shift from Gemini North Node/Sagittarius South Node into Taurus North Node/Scorpio South Node, we have one last eclipse before we are ushered into the new cycle.

Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde is one of my favorite topics to discuss when it comes to astrology. As the fastest moving planet in our solar system and one that turns retrograde 3-4 times in any given year, it is felt by everyone and somehow seems to impact us more than other retrograde planets.

Earth Day
Earth is home and the foundation of our own Astrology. Let’s celebrate her today…Earth Day

Saturn Enters Aquarius
Saturn entering Aquarius will see us getting real about aspects involving humanitarian causes, inventions, technology, science, and even astrology