Pluto in Aquarius
On March 23, 2023, Pluto will enter Aquarius, saying goodbye for a few short months to Capricorn, where it has been transiting since 2008! On June 11, 2023 Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn until January 21,2024, then dip back into Capricorn in September 2024 and finally move into Aquarius on November 20, 2024 at which point it firmly remains in Aquarius until 2044!

Saturn Transit of Pisces
After three long years, Saturn leaves Aquarius where it began it’s transit on March 20, 2020. It will enter Pisces for the next 3 years, with a brief venture into Aries late May 2025, returning to Pisces in September 2025 until February 13, 2026.

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Autumnal Equinox
Happy first day of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere 🍂
As we enter Libra season, we’ll experience all of the qualities this sign has to offer—beauty, harmony, diplomacy and charm.

Plants Based on Your Zodiac Sign
I recently wrote several tips for Redfin on choosing plants for your home according to your zodiac sign. The most difficult part? Just choosing a few. My approach to astrology blends the esoteric, spiritual and practical aspects—probably explained by my sun sign in Scorpio (esoteric), my moon sign in Sagittarius (spiritual) and rising sign in Virgo (practical). It was super fun do a deep dive into our plant world in relation to astrology and it was an honor to participate in this article. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
As the nodal axis is about to shift from Gemini North Node/Sagittarius South Node into Taurus North Node/Scorpio South Node, we have one last eclipse before we are ushered into the new cycle.